Family 500+ programme - are foreigners eligible?


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Launched in 2016, the "Family 500+" ("Rodzina 500+") benefit scheme aims to improve Poland's birth rates and provide financial support to low-income families. Until recently, the programme entitled all Polish families with two or more minor children to receive a tax-free benefit of PLN 500 a month for the second and each subsequent child. Low-income families on the other hand, could claim the benefit for their first child as well. However, from 1 July 2019, all Polish children (under the age of 18) are entitled to the "Family 500+" benefit, regardless of their parents' income. What about foreign residents in Poland? Can you benefit from the programme as well? Read on to find out more.
The 500+ benefit can be granted to foreign residents of Poland on the basis of:
- the rules on social security coordination (meaning that as an EU citizen you have access to social security services in other EU member states but you can only receive benefits in one country);
- bilateral agreements on social security signed between the Republic of Poland and other countries (including Canada, the US, Australia, Moldova, South Korea or Ukraine - in short, citizens of these countries are eligible for the 500+ benefit).
Additionally, foreigners who reside in Poland with their children are entitled to the 500+ benefit if:
- they have obtained a residence permit for the purpose of highly qualified employment;
- they have access to the Polish labour market (except for third-country nationals whose work permit is valid for less than 6 months, who have been granted a residence permit for the purpose of studies or who can perform work on the basis of a visa);
- they have obtained a temporary residence permit for the purpose of work under the intra-corporate transfer.
Note that the benefit is granted to all families, irrespective of the parents' marital status.
You can submit the application in person to your district office (urząd dzielnicy/gminy), online at, via PUE ZUS or your online banking system (if your bank is on this list).