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published: 26 Jul 2017 in Work

Do you have these skills needed in Poland?

Ewelina Nurczyk
Ewelina Nurczyk


Polish employers are unhappy with the lack of skills exhibited by some Polish employees. What does it take to become successful in Polish companies nowadays? A report by Gumtree and Warsaw University reveals what managers and business owners in Poland look for in their workers.

The 2017 report Aktywni+ (Eng. Active+) indicated a few key competences that are especially sought after in Polish enterprises at the moment and in the near future. They are not necessarily Polish people’s fortes, so if you feel that you possess these skills, give your Polish career a shot.

1. Data management skills: analysis, credibility assessment, researching and logical thinking

While Polish companies provide their employees with the smartest new tools that enable accessing information in no time, all this data still needs to be processed and analysed. Younger Polish generations are more likely to have such skills, but a lot of current employees do not know how to deal with big chunks of data properly. This is where foreign employees, who have mastered this, are more than useful.

2. Technology literacy

In the age of robotics, automation and Artificial Intelligence, cooperation with these new elements of business is necessary. Not all Polish companies have included such advanced techniques in their activities, so if you have experience with that, you are ahead of many Polish candidates. Good thing if you are also good at thinking out of box, strategy making and finding exceptions to the rules, whenever technology happens to be flawed.

3. Social intelligence

Having the capacity to navigate interpersonal relationships is a huge advantage in any workplace. Positions in Poland, similarly to the rest of the world, evolve in the direction of project and team work. Poles, who are quite individual, are still adapting to this change, but if you have already acquired necessary skills and find it easy to cooperate with as well as manage other people, you have a big plus!

4. Flexibility

It is indeed a popular word, but it really is something Polish people may lack. Due to our rocky history and national character, we tend to favour stability over change. In the world where no job is constant, people share workload and experiment with being employed in more positions at once, you can forget about old-fashioned security. Polish labour market is opening up to these changes, too, so all those in favour are kindly invited to join this revolution.

Still thinking you may be just who we are looking for? The report, similarly to the American labour market research conducted by Glassdoor in 2017, points to three jobs that are true professions of tomorrow: Data Scientist, DevOp Engineer and Data Engineer. Combined with the skills mentioned above, it constitutes the recipe for a perfect employee and a true leader of the future.


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