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published: 14 Feb 2024 in Work

Employment Perspectives in Poland 2024

Kamila Brzezińska
Kamila Brzezińska


If you are looking for a job in Poland, ManpowerGroup’s recent report paints a promising picture of the Polish job market in the first quarter of 2024.
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

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The report “Barometr ManpowerGroup Perspektyw Zatrudnienia”, which can be translated loosely as: “The ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey”, was conducted globally between October 2 and 31 of 2023.

More than 40,000 employers representing 41 markets worldwide were involved, of which 525 employers are located in Poland.

All survey participants faced the same major question: “What is the outlook for changes in your company's total employment in the three months from the beginning of January to the end of March 2024, compared to the current quarter?”

The key term " outlook" stands for the net employment forecast, representing the percentage difference between the employers who anticipate an increase in total employment, and those predicting a decrease in total employment in the next quarter of 2024.

The global employment outlook for the quarter of 2024

When it comes to global hiring tendencies, the predictions are as presented below:

The Global Outlook for the first quarter of 2024 is +26%.

  • 42% – desire to hire new employees
  • 39% – do not plan any personnel changes
  • 16% – claim that some layoffs will be necessary
  • 3% – have no recruitment plans whatsoever

The employment outlook for Poland for the quarter of 2024

According to the report, the companies in Poland will present the following hiring trends in the first quarter of 2024:

  • 49% – do not plan any personnel changes
  • 33% – desire to hire new employees
  • 16% – said that some layoffs will be needed
  • 2% – have no recruitment plans whatsoever

This all results in the Outlook for Poland of +18% and is meant to reflect the overall hiring sentiment of the country’s enterprises.

Hiring perspectives – Industry sector comparison

When it comes to hiring predictions in different industries, the report indicated that entrepreneurs of all eight of the analyzed sectors declared positive recruitment tendencies for the first quarter of 2024. However, the data suggests that some industry branches in Poland may have greater hiring needs during this period.

  • 30% – Energy & Utilities
  • 21% – Consumer goods & services
  • 21% – Transport, logistics & automotive
  • 19% – Communication services
  • 18% – IT
  • 17% – Life sciences & healthcare
  • 17% – Finance & Real Estate

Hiring perspectives – Region comparison

If you were wondering how this employment growth is forecast is presented based on the geographical location in Poland, the report shows the below recruitment demand for six regions based on a division by Eurostat (province):

Picture source: Q1 2024 Barometr ManpowerGroup Perspektyw Zatrudnienia, 2024

Picture source: Q1 2024 Barometr ManpowerGroup Perspektyw Zatrudnienia, 2024

+23% – Southern Poland (province: małopolskie, śląskie)

+21% – Central Poland (province: łódzkie, mazowieckie)

+19% – Southwest Poland (province: dolnośląskie, opolskie),

+15% – Northwest Poland (province: wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie, lubuskie)

+14% – Northern Poland ( province: kujawsko-pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie, pomorskie)

+12% – Eastern Poland ( province: lubelskie, podkarpackie, świętokrzyskie, podlaskie)


Q1 2024 Barometr ManpowerGroup Perspektyw Zatrudnienia, 2024

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