published: 20 Mar 2020 in News
Coronavirus in Poland: information for foreigners (overview)

Joanna Czarnecka
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information coming at you nowadays? Below you will find a selection of news we consider most important or useful for foreigners in Poland.

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- Due to the coronavirus outbreak, all voivodeship offices in Poland have cancelled their current appointments and do not provide face-to-face customer service at the moment. How do you extend your permission to stay in Poland? Foreigners whose appointments have been cancelled are asked to send their applications and necessary documents by registered mail to the relevant voivodeship office. Note that you should do this no later than on the last day of your legal stay in Poland (the postmark date will indicate your timely submission of the documents). More information can be found on the website of the Office for Foreigners.
- Some foreigners cannot leave Poland at the moment for reasons beyond their control. In such cases, they can apply for a visa extension or a temporary residence permit due to circumstances requiring a short stay. The application forms should be sent by registered mail to the relevant voivodeship office, no later than on the last day of your legal stay in Poland. More information and the application forms can be found on the website of the Office for Foreigners.
- The Polish Migration Forum Foundation (Polskie Forum Migracyjne) is now offering free online career counselling for foreigners and free online classes for children willing to learn Polish (the lessons are conducted in Polish and Ukrainian). For more details on how to enrol follow the foundation’s Facebook page.
- Follow the Ocalenie Foundation (Fundacja Ocalenie) on Facebook to keep up with the most important news on the current situation in Poland. The foundation is posting daily updates in English, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Arabic, Georgian, Tajik and Vietnamese.
- is a free online application created by a Polish It company, It.focus. If you are in need of some help (e.g. you can’t do your shopping), you can find a volunteer in your neighbourhood who will offer their assistance. You can also become a volunteer yourself and help the elderly or those who cannot leave their homes. The app is already available in English and being translated to other languages as well.